13/12/2024 AM-PM Club Update
The Christmas holidays are nearly upon us again! This term the children have enjoyed continuing with their autumn activities, including creating milk bottle lanterns for Diwali and carving some spooky pumpkins.
For winter and Christmas, our scarecrows have been replaced by a family of snowmen! The children have also done a wonderful job of decorating the tree in the front entrance. They have also enjoyed a wide variety of arts and crafts; and have had fun playing Uno. As a treat one afternoon they had hot chocolate at snack time with lots of marshmallows
We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year!
You’re the icing on the cake!
We have been awarded Macmillan’s certificate of appreciation. Thank you once again to everyone who joined us this year to make our annual charity Coffee Morning a huge success. Together we raised £348.27 to help Macmillan do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer.
Christmas Fete and Santa’s Grotto
Thank you to everyone who attended our Christmas fete on Saturday 30th November, there were lots of smiles all around! The many stall holders showcased a fantastic variety of unique items and treats. Our elves were also on hand to spread lots of festive cheer, helping the children with their cookie and tree decoration masterpieces! Finally, we can’t forget to mention the man in red! Santa greeted lots of happy families in his cosy Grotto. What a wonderful time of the year!

Cafe Closures
Please note:
the Woolwell Centre cafe will be closing early on Friday 13th December and all day on Wednesday 18th December.
Community meals
A service run by CATERed on behalf of Plymouth City Council. Delivering freshly prepared, hot, nutritious meals 365 days a year.
CATERed’s aim is to help elderly or vunerable people keep their independence at home.
You can order meals for just once a week or you can choose to have up to 7 days a week whatever suits you lifestyle.
For more information call 01752 305140 or visit www.plymouth.gov.uk/plymouth-community-meals
The Take That Experience
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us on Friday 22nd November for the Take That Experience.
The incredible show included hit after hit, dazzling costumes and iconic dance moves. We really were blown away!
Don’t forget to check us out for your next event. You’re guaranteed a top night out at the Woolwell Centre!
Vaccination Clinic
There are some things you can do to help yourself stay well in winter. This includes getting your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations. We are proud to have supported over 1,200 of you with this, in the local community and north of the city!
Check your eligibility and book an appointment at: www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination and www.nhs.uk/vaccinations/flu-vaccine or call 119.
26/10/2024: Our Halloween party was a blast!
We had a spooktacular time at our Halloween party on Saturday. Thank you to every ghost and ghoul who joined us and made it an unforgettable night! We packed in so much, including crafts and games, a costume competition, a disco, glitter tattoos, a spooky cave and a hair raising bouncy castle. It was fantastic to see everyone having so much fun at our bewitching family event!

25/10/2024: Lots of creativity this week at our AM/PM club
There have been lots of spooky inspired fun at our AM/PM club this week. The children have done an excellent job of transforming the centre by adding a touch of magic with their handmade decorations and the fantastic wall art is certainly an eye-catching masterpiece. We have also carved pumpkins, the children worked together in groups to decide on their designs and then helped each other to carve and scoop out the insides. We are well and truly in the Halloween spirit here at the Woolwell Centre!

Good Old Fashioned Lover Boys - The Very Best Of Queen
What a night! A big thank you to everyone who joined us for The Very Best of Queen on Friday 18th October. The Good Old Fashioned Lover Boys definitely delivered the music and the magic! We are excited to announce that after such a fantastic, sell out show they will be returning to The Woolwell Centre in November 2025! Follow us on social media and check out our website for any event updates.
Our annual MacMillan coffee morning went down a treat on Friday 27th September! We want to say a massive THANK YOU for helping us raise an amazing £348.27 for MacMillan Cancer Support, we are incredibly grateful to everyone who joined us and contributed to this very worthy cause. From delicious homemade cakes to shared stories, the day was filled with warmth and community spirit.
Every penny raised will go a long way in supporting MacMillan with the invaluable work they do for people living with cancer. We are proud to have played a small part in giving back, and we couldn't have done it without you!
We are making a few changes to our annual and weekly activities at The Woolwell Centre, all with the goal of ensuring that we continue to offer a thriving hub for our community. These decisions have been carefully considered as part of a broader plan to secure the future of your much-loved Community Centre during these challenging economic times.
Here are the key updates…